Converting Gemtext to HTML with Elixir
April 29, 2023
I spent a few hours this Saturday afternoon writing and releasing gemtext_to_html v0.1.0. I'd like to spend more time browsing and developing for Gemini space, and this is the first step towards making something Elixir-y to that end.
It ships with basic HTML components, but of course you can define your own components using regular old Phoenix Components and HEEx templates.
Hex package Documentation SourceExample
defmodule MyApp.MyComponents do @behaviour GemtextToHTML.Components import Phoenix.Component def h1(assigns) do ~H""" <h1 class="text-lg font-bold"><%= @text %></h1> """ end # ...and so on... end gemtext = """ # Hello, world * this is a list * indeed pretty neat """ GemtextToHTML.render_to_string(gemtext, components: MyApp.MyComponents) # => "<h1 class="text-lg font-bold">Hello, world</h1>" <> ...